Saturday, December 12, 2009

Get Facebook Updates Via SMS with MobiTweet – All Networks

After the launch of Mobi2weet exciting free service, which were allowing users of Pakistan to use Twitter with SMS free of cost and to get free Twitter notifications. Later Mobi2weet introduced Mobi2weet Facebook facility.

Officially Zong and Telenor are supported by Facebook for SMS service and which are expensive, but with Mobi2weet you can use Facebook services at local SMS rates even free if you are having SMS package.

Here I am going to tell you in easy instruction, how to configure Mobi2weet with your Facebook account.

Step1: Make sure you are logged into your Facebook account. (You may login later too but it for ease login first)

Step2: Type this address to go to Mobi2weet Facebook application and click the allow button.

Mobitweet Get Facebook Updates Via SMS with MobiTweet All Networks

On next Page, allow different application accesses to the mobi2weet application, access like, Allow permissions, Allow Access, Allow publishing, Allow status updates.

Mobitweet 01 Get Facebook Updates Via SMS with MobiTweet All Networks

After Allowing all permissions, you will be asked to register with MobiTweet (below screen shot)

Mobitweet 02 Get Facebook Updates Via SMS with MobiTweet All Networks

Once you enter your Cell number (format: 0333555XXXX) you will get a pin on your cell number via SMS. On next page, enter your pin (See below screen shot)

Mobitweet 03 Get Facebook Updates Via SMS with MobiTweet All Networks

Click on Submit and you are done…!

You can update your facebook status and receive status updates from your mobile!

Send the following commands to any supported network number!

Mobitweet 04 Get Facebook Updates Via SMS with MobiTweet All Networks

Fbon tag
eg. Fbon umar
To turn ‘on’ all wall status updates for tag umar

eg. Fboff
To turn ‘off’ all wall status updates

FB status message and send SMS to your network number from above image, for instance in case of Ufone, send this sms to 0331-4805098
eg. FB I am using mobi2weet!
To update a status on Facebook

TFB status message
eg. TFB I am using mobi2weet!
To update a status on Facebook as well as Twitter.

Fbtag @friendName @tagname
eg. FBTag @Inzimam inzi
To assign a single word tag to your friends name

Fbd tagname message
eg. Fbd inzi How are you?
To write on a friend’s wall

Fbc code status message
eg. Fbc 2345 I am using mobi2weet!
To comment on your friend’s facebook status

fbcmd For all FB commands

Loopholes in PTCL’s Selling Strategy for New Connections

There was a time, when you had to search for internal contacts in PTCL for getting a landline connection. There was a term called “Demand Note”, which was necessary to be paid at the time of application and then you were given with a landline facility in weeks, months or even years, depending on authority of your contact.
If you remember, Fifty Fifty (a comedy show on PTV) made various parodies on PTCL, showing how lengthy and difficult was the process of getting a landline phone.
Couple of years back, PTCL changed its style by revamping its strategies; and came forward with a tagline of “Feel the Difference”. Company reformatted its policies for S&D (Sales & Distribution), Advertisement, Customer Services, Human Resources and many more.
If we talk about today, we see PTCL’s adverts on TV, newspaper saying “To get your new phone connection, dial 0800xxxxx and get new phone connection at your door step”, That is much appreciated selling technique that they have molded from the previous “Demand NOTE” culture to this new sort of connection acquiring.
PTCL has failed to deliver what it claims. No doubt that it has attracted the customer, but who is going to live with promises and no actions? We come across so many stories on daily basis, people asking us about their pending landline connection application for months.
Loopholes in PTCL’s Selling Strategy for New LandLine Connection
Contact Relevant Exchange adviseConfession of communication GAP
Some one is going to sell you connection on phone by acquiring your details but in the last minute of  conversation, representative will advise you to keep connected with your “RELEVENT AREA Telephone EXCHANGE” to get your connection as early as possible. This is a joke with customer infect this is confession regarding “Lack of communication” among departments and many other customer service faults.
Deadlines are Missed
The time given for a new telephone connection is 2 weeks, this is for almost the same for every service that you want to acquire, like PTCL LAND LINE PHONE, DSL and Smart TV.
The time they give to customer is not at all a promise from the company. This 2 week’s deadline can and cannot be met with equal probability, where as in competitive industry people are habitual to prepaid SIMS on time DSL connections.
Contact Center has no update on new telephone connection status – (Lack of centralized Information Management)
The contact center has no update regarding the current status of new phone connection application. They can just inform you that “Sir, it is actually due to some technical fault we are still not providing you telephone connection” soon, we will install you new phone connection and this “soon” come not so easily.
Though they might offer you some other product sale offers, like EVO and Vfone etc. You know this “LOLz” because what would be customer’s reaction? Not getting the current deal and being offered for another one – that’s wow.
All in all, the service being offered by PTCL is commendable, but deliveries of these services are irrationally designed and ill managed. PTCL management should think about the image they are creating in the mind of new customers and must not forget, these were those customers who were reluctant to get PTCL connection because of DEMAND NOTE dilemmas.
With “Feel the difference” tag line, lame excuses like “DP has no pair available in your area to provide you connection” are unbearable statements that you would have listen from PTCL Customer service representatives.
PTCL has to feel and realize the difference and dynamics of current market and should change its vision according to current standard of service delivery and service recovery.

Intel Works with Pre-STEP to Promote Technology for Faculty Members

Intel Pakistan recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding with a consortium partner in Pre-STEP (the Pre-service Teacher Education Program). The agreement has been made to launch a technology program in Government colleges of Pakistan with a vision to improve the basic education by strengthening teacher training institutes.

Pre-STEP is a five-year, national program led by the Academy for Educational Development (AED), with support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The program is designed to improve the quality of basic education in Pakistan by improving teacher preparation practices and strengthening the capacity of up to 75 teacher training institutes and 15 universities. This program will also provide an opportunity for teacher educators to learn about, practice and make plans to use active teaching approaches.

Under this agreement, Intel Pakistan and Pre-STEP will develop and pilot a technology course, with the objective that trainee teachers receive hands on experience with technology aided teaching methodologies during their coursework at the college or university where they are enrolled.

“Intel aims to support trainee teachers to learn about key 21st century skills through the implementation of the Intel Teach Program,” said Ashar H. Zaidi, Country Manager, Intel Pakistan. “With the help of Pre-STEP & USAID, Intel aspires to help student teachers to gain first-hand experience with technology. This will not only breed creativity in a more productive learning environment, but also endorse their careers as teachers in the future.”

The Intel Teach program is designed to enable teachers to effectively use technology to enhance student learning in the digital world. It has evolved into a laudable venture that has achieved many milestones. Launched in the year 2002, the program has won much acclaim in Pakistan as well as the international market.

Intel to date has trained 220,000 teachers in Pakistan, reaching out to over 60 cities and districts of Pakistan. Intel Education also conducts forums and workshops, and so far has reached out to over 28,000 teachers and principals, focusing on integrating technology and modern teaching methods in the teaching and learning process in Pakistan.

Business Tariff Planner on Qubee WiMAX – Limitations!

Business Tariff Planner on Qubee WiMAX – Limitations!

Qubee, a wimax broadband operator based in Karachi, has offered a service TARIFF PLANNER on its website for business people.
By incorporating this service, Qubee wants to give business class people some suggestions and recommendations according to their needs. They just need to select the type of business and online presence frequency, and there you go. You will get recommended tariff by Qubee after three clicks.
Here is the link:
 Business Tariff Planner on Qubee WiMAX   Limitations!
But what if someone has more than 20 people who wants to remain online, like  Call Center Business. Qubee has its limitations in offering services for more than 20 people. The planner just plans for staff of maximum 20 people. That’s probably a confession that WiMAX technology is not suitable for large sized businesses. This glitch is hard to admit, but it happens to be a fact that if you need more than 1 MB link than WiMAX is not the best of the option you have in hands.
 Business Tariff Planner on Qubee WiMAX   Limitations!
What are they offering for my office who has got about 100 users online all the time? Digging further down, I found that we can only have 1MB connection with 30GB storage. That’s it – They are offering a 1MB for an office who has got up to 20 personnel. Isn’t it too low?
 Business Tariff Planner on Qubee WiMAX   Limitations!
Well, its better than other wimax operators who are not offering anything like that. But it needs to be flexible. They need to incorporate more bandwidth for businesses.

Get Same Number for PTCL and Ufone

PTCL Ufone Get Same Number for PTCL and Ufone

PTCL is still trying to capture more and more landline customers and as a result after, the recent discount promotion PTCL once again has come up with another innovative and appealing offer which is a part of ongoing Synergy Projects with its sister concern company UFONE .

Through this offer any customer who wants to acquire a new telephone connection (NTC) can also get UFONE SIM with the same number (03xx-7 digit) as of PTCL Landline.

What’s the deal?

* No special charges for PTCL number/UFONE SIM
* Same installation fee and line rent charges for PTCL Landline.
* SIM will be sent to the customer through TCS (Courier Service). Customer just needs to pay ordinary UFONE charges (Rs 150 and a balance of Rs 100 will be available)

How to get this?

This service can be acquired by calling 0800 80 800 helpline or through walk-in channels.


* This service would be applicable on only new telephone connection requests.
* Existing customers can opt for secondary PTCL landline in order to avail this service.
* This is a PTCL NTC promotion, so UFONE customers cannot apply for this service for their existing numbers.
* You cannot suggest your own numbersNumbers are already matched in both networks which are not assigned to any customer yet.
* Every new telephone request in PTCL under goes a resource confirmation/ feasibility process, if that is clear then you will surely get the desired number which is selected at the time of order taking.
* Process takes at least seven days. Its depends on the area customer is in and the feasibility report.
* UFONE will send the SIM to customer premises through TCS. TCS Rep will collect Rs 150 from the customer as SIM charges.
* Identical numbers have been reserved Exchange wise in three main cities. Neighbor number is very important in order to indentify the right exchange for the requesting customer to avoid ambiguity at our end.
* There are no other special features except having Identical Number UFONE SIM as well.